[News] Regarding Reviews

To our dear readers:

After the latest horror show that is CW Behind the Scenes – namely, the news that Ruby Rose was bullied, harassed, and abused while on Batwoman; revealed the incredibly unsafe working conditions; and named names while doing so – the Made of Fail review team has opted to go on indefinite hiatus while we decide the future of our CW superhero show reviews.

We do not make this decision lightly. Not only are reviews basically our only content at the moment, but we all genuinely love the shows. It saddens and angers us that the entertainment which gives us so much joy is being produced under abhorrent and abusive conditions. The Batwoman news is only the latest such story of abuses under the Warner Bros. umbrella, but it’s definitely the last straw for some of us.

We at Made of Fail ask that you all support the IATSE and other unions in the entertainment industry to ensure safe working conditions for all.


[Review] Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

written by George Hatch

For a movie that tries so hard to include small details from the previous installments, this one isn’t very memorable.

Here it is, the (alleged) final chapter of the Skywalker Saga. The spoiler-free review goes thusly: The first half of this movie is a collection of scenes, some of them enjoyable and all of them on fast-forward, duct-taped together in a way that fails to form a cohesive narrative. Director J.J. Abrams then takes the end of Return of the Jedi and tacks it onto Rise of Skywalker. Abrams’ constant obsession with mysteries and poor resolutions hurts the film in the end, but it still manages to be enjoyable, if a bit stupid.

Now: The Rise of Spoilers

Continue reading

[News] Borderlands 2 Streaming For Extra Life!

It’s Made of Fail’s 11th anniversary! To celebrate, our beloved co-founder K O’Shea will be participating in a 24-hour Twitch stream to benefit the Extra Life Foundation. Extra Life supports local children’s hospitals with donations from viewers of gaming streams and marathons.

Please tune in TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m. Central Time to watch K, their local friends Becky and Cass, and our own Kate Spencer play Borderlands 2 until it’s way, way, way past their bedtimes.

View the stream and donate here to support Children’s Hospital of Chicago!

[News] All Good Things

Apologies for the lack of updates lately. There have been multiple real-life crises going on, as well as a lot of internal discussion about the future of Made Of Fail.

After much deliberation (because this is going to make a lot of unnecessary work for me), I’ve decided to close the Made Of Fail Patreon. We have never been even remotely close to attaining even our first goal, and it’s simply not sustainable in the long run. I will continue to pay for website hosting and domain registration out-of-pocket.

Everyone will be paid for their February work, but afterwards Made Of Fail will continue on as a non-profit, volunteer-only site.

Secondly, while Made Of Fail will live on as a review site, the flagship podcast will end on its tenth anniversary episode, on June 22nd, 2018. I’m astounded that we’ve gone ten years and still have listeners – many of whom have become dear friends. Expect something special.

Regarding Episode 86: my guest had to cancel due to health reasons. We are currently trying to reschedule. This may or may not be the penultimate episode of the Made Of Fail Podcast.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for your patronage and, in many cases, your friendship.


[News] Patreon Changes

…well then.

If you don’t already know, Patreon is changing its policies to screw over basically everybody: https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/08/patreon-fee-change-will-hurt-small-contributions/

I will be discussing this soon with site contributors to see whether we will be simply closing our Patreon altogether or moving to a different platform. In the meantime, if you need to cancel your pledges – especially our $1 contributors – I assure you, no hard feelings whatsoever, and I’m not on Patreon’s side on this.

Oh, and in the meantime, please call your representatives in Congress to get them to not utterly destroy Net Neutrality, and comment on the FCC’s site at https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/filings?proceedings_name=17-108&sort=date_disseminated,DESC


(Okay but seriously remember that there is hope as long as we fight and that your voice matters.)


[News] Back On Schedule

All right, guys, the hiatus is over and we’ve got a chunk of content for you! The following reviews have been posted:

Supergirl Episode 2×05: “Crossfire”
Luke Cage Episode 1×05: “Just To Get A Rep”
Legends Of Tomorrow Episode 2×05: “Compromised”
Supergirl Episode 2×06: “Changing”
The Flash Episode 1×20: “The Trap”
Luke Cage Episode 1×06: “Suckas Need Bodyguards”
Legends Of Tomorrow Episode 2×06: “Outlaw Country”
Supergirl Episode 2×07: “The Darkest Place”

Coming this week: the four-way crossover between Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and Legends Of Tomorrow! Thank you all for your support.


[News] To Our Audience

Due to the result of the U.S. Presidential Election, Made Of Fail will be going on a temporary hiatus so that our community and contributors can care for themselves and each other.

This will not necessarily apply to our sister podcast, Anglo-Filles, who are welcome to make their own decision.

If you feel you need to withdraw your Patreon pledge while content is on hiatus, we don’t blame you.

To those of you who need it, we give you the following resources:

Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255
Trans Crisis Hotline: 877-565-8860
LGBTQ+ Hotline: 866-488-7386
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741-741

We here at Made Of Fail thank you for your support and understanding, and we love you.
