[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.22 – “Bad Timing”

New post at Deconstructing Moya!

Bad Timing

The Scarrans are heading for Earth. The Peacekeepers want Scorpius back. And through it all, Crichton must make two decisions, both of which will alter his life irrevocably…

Deconstructing Moya will take a one-week break and return Friday, April 13th for the Season Four wrap-up podcast, and then… Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars!

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.21 – “We’re So Screwed, Part III: La Bomba”

New post at Deconstructing Moya!

We’re So Screwed, Part III: La Bomba

The crew’s initial plan falls through, their escape routes are cut off, and Crichton’s bomb is deactivated. Scorpius claims to have a way out, but it comes with attempting a last ditch blow against the Scarrans…

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.20 – “We’re So Screwed, Part II: Hot To Katratzi”

New post at Deconstructing Moya!

We’re So Screwed, Part II: Hot To Katratzi

In which the Moyans once again penetrate a hostile base to suppress the use of wormhole technology. This time, they’re dropping in uninvited, and the security measure is rather more… extreme.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.19 – “We’re So Screwed, Part I: Fetal Attraction”

New post at Deconstructing Moya!

We’re So Screwed, Part I: Fetal Attraction

Moya and crew take their first step into Scarran space to track down and rescue Aeryn, only to find her ready and waiting for them. Along with bunches of guards, Charrids, an automated security system than kills anyone carrying a weapon, a Scarran, and a plague of their own making.